Rules of General Court Business
→ Rules of Civil Procedure
Orphans' Court Rules
-L2.6. Proposed Decree of Distribution.
-L2.7. Time for Filing Objections.
-L2.9. Confirmation of Accounts; Awards.
-L2.10. Foreign Heirs and Distributees.
-L9.1. Notice of Auditor's or Master's Hearing.
-L9.6. Notice of Filing Auditor's or Master's Report.
-L9.7. Confirmation of Report.
-L14.2 Incapacitated Persons' Estates.
-L15.5. Request for Investigation.
-L15.8 Proposed Findings and Decree
Rules of Criminal Procedure
→ Standards for Courtroom Decorum
→ Title Search Customs
→ Working Rules for Professionalism
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L2.10. Foreign Heirs and Distributees. A report filed pursuant to Pa.O.C. Rule 2.10 shall be in the form of an affidavit and shall be filed at the same time that the account and statement of proposed distribution are filed.