CCBL Team Lycoming.   Ready for baseball! Check out the Team Lycoming photos.  (02.23.2018)

Lycoming County Represented at CCBL.   Lycoming County was represented by President Jennifer Heverly, Executive Director Michele Frey, and YLD members Rachel Planas, and Yvonne Campbell.  (02.23.2018)

2018 Annual Meeting Report.   Jennifer L. Heverly elected Association President at annual meeting.  (01.08.2018)

Educational Technology Upgrade: Thanks to Pa. Bar Insurance Trust Fund.   If you have taken in a recent CLE presentation in the LLA conference center, you will have noticed a much enhanced sound system. The speaker system is only one piece of a recent LLA project to improve the effectiveness of its educational program.  (12.18.2017)

Six Lycoming County Attorneys Admitted to the Bar.   On December 1, 2017, the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas held a special session of court at which six attorneys were admitted to practice before the “several Courts of the County of Lycoming.”   (12.02.2017)

Smith Memorial Service Transcript.   The transcript of the memorial service for Judge Clinton W. Smith has been posted.  (06.24.2017)

LLA Lawyers Serve in the PBA House of Delegates.   There have been several recent changes in local House of Delegate representation. John Pietrovito of Muncy has relinquished his Zone Governor position to Rita G. Alexyn. Ed Mitchell gave up his seat in the House of Delegates.  (06.03.2017)

Lycoming Court's Daily Schedule Now Online.   Joining a growing number of courts nationwide, the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas has opened its daily court schedule to the public, with online access.  (04.02.2017)

LLA Committee Chairs Work on 2017 Goals.   In mid-February, President Ryan Tira and Executive Director Michele Frey met with the 2017 committee chairs for lunch at the LLA office. The chairs shared their goals for the upcoming year, and also any concerns for the LLA leadership to address for better operation of the Association.  (02.27.2017)

Lycoming County Admits Four New Lawyers.   On December 2, 2016, the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas held a special session of court at which Susan Saba Roinick, Scott J. Werner, Jessica Feese, and Wesley S. Speary were admitted to practice before the several Courts of the County of Lycoming.  (12.03.2016)

LLA Exec Sees Her Name in Lights.   LLA Executive Director's vacation begins with a surprise.   (07.03.2016)

Widener Law School Dean Looks to Cooperate With LLA on Local Projects.   Widener Law School Dean Christian A. Johnson conveyed both an optimistic and realistic message when he met with the LLA Executive Committee at its March meeting.   (03.28.2016)

Committee Chairs Plan 2016 Activities.   Much of the work of the Lycoming Law Association occurs in its committees. On March 14, the committee chairs met for lunch to discuss initiatives and to plan 2016 activities.  (03.25.2016)

Cronin and Frey Attend Bar Leaders Conference.   LLA President Bob Cronin and Executive Director Michele Frey represented the Association at the 50th annual Conference of County Bar Leaders.  (03.01.2016)

2016 Association Annual Meeting.   The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Lycoming Law Association took place on January 11, in the LLA office and conference facility. President Elect Bob Cronin, of the Casale & Bonner law firm presided in Tammy Weber's absence and was elected as the new President.  (01.11.2016)

Law Association Composite Released.   It's finally here! The 2015 LLA composite photograph has been released for sale.  (12.07.2015)

LLA Members Support Retention of Judge Nancy L. Butts.   The Lycoming Law Association surveyed its membership and 81% of those responding voted in favor of the retention of Judge Butts.  (10.29.2015)

LLA Composite Photos Have Arrived..   The photos that will be compiled into the 2015 LLA composite photograph have been released. The Web directory has been updated. The composite photo will be issued within weeks.  (08.02.2015)

LLA Executive Director Frey Attends PABE Conference.   The annual Pennsylvania Association of Bar Executives conference took place at Skytop Lodge, in July. LLA Executive Director, Michele Frey, attended the conference, representing the Association.   (07.30.2015) is Becoming Mobile Friendlier!.   Your LLA Website is (finally) moving to the next era of Web access. is making its pages much more friendly to mobile device access.  (02.26.2015)

2015 LLA Annual Meeting.   The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Lycoming Law Association took place on January 12, for the first time in the new LLA office and conference facility. Tom Waffenschmidt concluded his term as president and turned over the President's clock to Tammy Weber for 2015.  (01.12.2015)

Six New Attorneys Admitted in Lycoming County.   On December 5, 2014, the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas sat for a special session of court at which six attorneys were admitted to practice before the “several Courts of the County of Lycoming.”  (12.08.2014)

Michele Frey to replace long-time ED Jessica Engel.   After an extensive search, the Lycoming Law Association has hired Michele Frey to replace Executive Director Jessica Engel.  (11.04.2014)

LLA to Lose its Executive Director.   Jessica Engel leaving LLA Executive Director position before the end of the year.  (08.11.2014)

LLA Celebrates New Facilities with Open House.   The Lycoming Law Association's new office and conference center was formally opened with food and drink on April 11. Also, Executive Director, Jessica Engel was recognized for 10 years of service.  (04.11.2014)
