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History of Lycoming County Pennsylvania

edited by John F. Meginness ©1892

As reproduced by the Lycoming County Genealogy Project.




THE first courts of Lycoming county were held at Jaysburg. The details of organization have been given in a preceding chapter. The first meeting was probably at the house of Thomas Caldwell. The court had a prothonotary, but no other officers, Little, therefore, could be done until a sheriff and commissioners were elected. These officers were chosen in October, 1795, and on the 28th of the same month, Sheriff Stewart filed his bond and took the oath of office. The commissioners, according to their own record, met "in open court of general quarter sessions of the peace and common pleas," December 1, 1795, "and took the oath of office." This was the second time the court had met. It is not likely any quarter sessions business was transacted at the first meeting. That there was regular quarter sessions court in November and December there is no doubt, for the official records, still in a good state of preservation, establish this fact beyond question. A copy of an indictment for one of the first, if not the first, cases which came before this court, is given herewith, on account of the importance of the parties involved:

     v.                                                                        } Assault and battery.
Richard Martin

Lycoming County, of November sessions, 1795, ss.

The grand inquest for the body of the county of Lycoming upon their oaths and affirmations respectively do present, that Richard Martin, late of the county aforesaid, yeoman, upon the thirteenth day of October, at the county aforesaid, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and within the jurisdiction of this court, in and upon a certain Michael Ross, in the peace of God and this Commonwealth then and there being, an assault did make, and him the said Michael then and there did beat, wound, maltreat, and other wrongs to him the said Michael then and there did, to the great damage of him the said Michael and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, etc.

Atty. Gen.

Michael Ross,
James Stewart.

The indictment is endorsed: "A true bill, Robert Crawford." He was foreman of the first grand jury. A further endorsement of the indictment reads : "Defendant submits." What penalty was imposed we are uninformed. Likely the prosecution was dropped on the payment of costs and a small fine.

Richard Martin was a son of Robert Martin, who built a mill at Newberry as early as 1798. Michael Ross was the founder of Williamsport. The Martins were residents of Jaysburg. And as bad blood existed between the two factions regarding the location of the county seat, it is likely this case of assault and battery grew out of this matter.

This session of court was hold at Jaysburg, either in the Dunlap tavern, or the building which had been rented for a "temporary jail."

In the meantime the commissioners appointed by the Governor to select a site for the county buildings had performed their duty by choosing Williamsport, and had made their "final" report to the secretary of the Commonwealth and drawn their per diem from the treasury at Northumberland. This action necessitated the removal of the court to the county seat.


After the court emigrated to the east side of Lycoming creek temporary quarters were fitted up in the public house of Eleanor Winter, which stood near what is now the corner of Fourth and Rose streets. A tradition has long prevailed that the barn was fitted up for judicial purposes, but Miss Ellen Harris, of Bellefonte, says there is no truth in it; that a room in her grandmother's house was used by the court, and there the quarter sessions for 1796 were held. Among the first indictments before this court was one charging Hannah Hallet, with having on the 8th of November, 1795, stolen the following articles from William Hepburn, Esq.: "One muslin handkerchief of the value of ton shillings, one shift of the value of ten shillings, one skein of woolen yarn of the value of one shilling." James McClure signed the indictment as foreman of the grand jury, and Christina Hepburn and William Tharp appeared as witnesses. What disposition was made of the culprit does not appear. Additional interest centers in this case from the fact that the goods were stolen from the president judge of the court, and the principal witness was his wife.

The appearance docket for this court is still in existence, and as none for any previous term can be found, we conclude that this was the first court for the trial of civil causes in Lycoming county. Case No. 1 is as follows:

David Turner
      v. 1.        } Capias and debt £500.
James Lowery

February 2,1796. Rule to plead. May term, 1796. Rule to show cause. Walker appears as counsel for the plaintiff and Newton for defendant.

No disposition appears to have been made for Nos. 2 and 3. No. 4 is thus entered:

James Caldwell
      v. 4.
David Stephenson

February term, 1796. Rule that plaintiff proceed to trial at next term or nonsuit. In this case counsel agree to take no advantage on account of the court's jurisdiction in this district.

That not more than three terms of court were held at the Winter place is evidenced by the following entry in the minute book of the commissioners, September 11, 1797:

The commissioners issued an order on the treasurer in favor of Eleanor Winter for three courts sitting in her house, etc., until this date, $30.    £11 5s.


While the courts were held at the Winter place some amusing incidents are reported to have occurred, which serve to illustrate the crudity of the times. On one occasion a witness became impertinent and made a remark which reflected on the integrity of Judge Hepburn, the presiding officer, This was too much. The court immediately forgot its dignity, and leaving the bench, came down on the floor to physically punish the offending witness. Tradition does not inform us how the affair ended, but it is probable that through the intercession of members of the bar and others, peace was restored and resumed. That the affair occurred there is little doubt. It shows the bitterness of feeling that existed at that time between the Williamsport and Jaysburg factions. Judge Hepburn was accused of using questionable methods to secure the location of the county seat at Williamsport, and if the person making the offensive remark was a Jaysburger, that was probably the cause of the unseemly disturbance in court.

Another incident gathered from the lips of Miss Ellen Harris is worth repeating. Someone attending the court brought several hounds one day, coupled too ether with light chain. Mrs. Winter had prepared a fine dinner. The table was covered with costly set of china dishes, which had been a wedding gift from her mother, and considerable style was being observed for those primitive days. When dinner was announced the dogs, scenting the viands, rushed in and dashing under the table overturned it and broke every piece of china but two plates, and caused general consternation! One of these plates descended to Miss Harris, and although she is now in her eighty-third year, she has carefully preserved it as a souvenir, and it may be seen at her house. As Samuel Wallis, one of the associate judges, is credited with being the first man to introduce English hounds into this valley, it is probable that the pack followed him to court and caused the crash in the dining room of Mrs. Winter!

Judging from the number of indictments found, there was considerable criminal business before the court in 1796. At the August sessions Samuel Jordan, keeper of the "temporary jail," at Jaysburg, was indicted for "keeping public house without license," and Robert McElrath was indicted for the same offense. The latter was the father of Thomas McElrath, who aided Horace Greeley to found the New York Tribune.


From here the court again emigrated eastward over a mile, and located at the Russell Inn, which stood on the corner of what is now East Third and Mulberry streets. It was a double log house, and accommodations for the court were probably secured in one end of the building. Several terms of court were held here, as the following minute from the books of the commissioners shows:

September 7,1797 - The commissioners issued an order in favor of James Russell for £23 16s 5d, the amount of his bill for the court sitting in his house, and other expenses, until this date. £23 16s 5d.

The court continued to be held at the Russell Inn, according to the following entry in the commissioners' minute book:

February 1, 1798. Issued an order on the treasurer in favor of James Russell for £7 19s 4½d, for the court sitting in his house, December term, 1797, and January term, 1798, and for wood and candles, etc. £7 l9s 4½d.

Election frauds seem to have been an early development in the history of the county, as the following strong presentment by the grand jury to the court of quarter sessions for December, 1798, shows:

To the Honorable the Justices of the Court Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Lycoming, at their Sessions of December, 1797:

The grand inquest for the body of the county of Lycoming do present, that it is essential to the well being of all governments whose administration derive their power by delegation from the people that elections, the organs of the public will, should be conducted with the utmost integrity and fairness; that it is the duty of tribunals having power to examine them to check any and the least approaches to fraud, imposition, or malpractice in conducting them, and prove themselves to be, as by law they are bound, upright guardians of the privileges and interests of the community: that when the bulwark of all free government is invaded with impunity, and fraud and corruption pass in public view uncomplained of, unanswered, and unobserved, it is a mournful yet certain evidence that the people no longer deserve to be free, and that their rulers are influenced by other considerations than the public good.

Influenced by these considerations, we hold ourselves bound by our oaths, and by our love for public justice, and indignation at the commission of fraud, to present as a public grievance the conduct of the officers conducting the Second district of the late general election for the county aforesaid, and to impeach the same for and on account of fraud, imposition, and malpractice used thereat to the damage and oppression of the citizens of the county aforesaid, to the evil example of others in the like case offending, and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The facts on which the grand inquest ground this complaint and presentment, not only appeared to them, but are of public notoriety, offending the ears of every one; the officers aforesaid so conducting the said Second district of the second election have admitted persons to vote who resided out of the county; they have allowed this freedom to young persons not of the age of discretion and under the age of twenty-one years. These frauds upon the manifestation of the public will, with others that no doubt will arise to view upon a further investigation, are the grounds upon which the grand inquest call upon the court in an especial manner to inquire into the premises and cause justice to be respected, by relieving the oppressed and punishing the guilty. These are also the grounds upon which we pray your Honors not to record the return of the election for commissioner, wherein Henry Donnel is declared to be duly elected, before they are examined into. We call upon your Honors in the name of the county of Lycoming to enter into the examination and impartially to hear the complaints of the citizens, so that the people shall know that the laws are to prevail and evil doers fear to invade them.

[Signed.] George Craus, foreman, John Cummings, Thomas Reed, William Dunn, John Sutton, John McKinney, George Quigley, John Montgomery, Amos Sturgis, Richard 3lartin, James McClure, William Morrison, J. Huling.

This was a majority of the panel. The offence must have been a grave one to call forth such an earnest appeal. The Second election district was composed of the township of Muncy and part of Washington, and the voting place was at the house of Henry Shoemaker, Jr., in the former. That the court took cognizance of the appeal and an investigation was ordered, is shown by an entry in the books of the commissioners, January 5, 1798, which states that on that date they issued schedules or copies of the list of taxables in each election district for the use of the committee of the House of Representatives in making the investigation. It would seen) that Donnel was arrested, for he appears in the records as only serving one year (1797) as commissioner.

Considerable business came before this session of court. Among those indicted for keeping "tippling houses" was James Russell, and Eleanor Winter, of Williamsport, Sarah Whitacre, of Muncy, and Jacob Teeple and John Bennett, of Lycoming township. Indeed, there appear to have been more cases of this kind before the early courts than any others. The house of Eleanor Winter, and the Russell Inn, at both of which the courts had been held, early fell under the ban of the law. The presence of those whose duty it was to administer the law did not seem to have a salutary effect on the owners of these inns.

As the town increased the proprietor of the Russell Inn found it necessary to have more room to accommodate his customers, and it was intimated with the court could no longer be furnished with a room. Perhaps his experience with the court had not been agreeable.

Another move, there was decided on, quarters were found at the house of Thomas Huston, on East Third street, at what is now known as Nos. 22 and 24. This house also was an inn. It was built by Mr. Huston for that purpose and called the Rising Sun. It afterwards became the property of "Paragon" Pickles and he put up the sign of the Lion. James Cummings soon afterwards purchased the property, and lastly Mr. Heiveley, who lived there a long time. In later years it was known as "Heiveley's tavern." At least two sessions of court were held here, according to the following entry in the commissioners' minute book:

May 4, 1799. Order in favor of Thomas Huston for $43.02 for court sitting in his house, etc., as per bill rendered. $43.02.

From Huston's Rising Sun tavern the court next found a refuge in a small log building, which had been erected on the southwest corner of the present courthouse square, opposite the Citizens' National Bank. This was about one square further westward. Just when the court removed here it is not possible to state, but it must have been for the third or fourth sessions of 1799. Here it is supposed the county offices had been removed from Jaysburg, and here the court remained until the new court house, but a few yards away, was completed and ready for occupancy in 1804.

A part of this building was used for the confinement of prisoners under the charge of Thomas McElrath as jailer; and, according to an advertisement in the Gazette of August 9, 1809, it was offered at public sale. It probably belonged to the county.

At February sessions, 1800, the following constables appeared and made their returns: Daniel Courson, Muncy township; David Walton, Muncy Creek; William Benjamin, Loyalsock; James Read, Pine Creek; Jamps Hays, Bald Eagle; Benjamin Huff, Wayne.

An interesting case came before this term of court interesting from the fact that it was for assault and battery on the high sheriff of the county. The record is as follows:

     v.        } Assault and battery.
John Shaffer, Sr.,
John Shaffer, Jr.

Indicted for assault and battery on John Cummings, sheriff, and Gabriel Morrison. True bill.

Robert Boyd, a witness for the respondent and his recognizance, appeared and testified, and his forfeiture was taken off.

And now to wit, the 5th of February, 1800, the defendants being severally called, appear and plead guilty and submit to the court, protesting their innocence. Judgment that John Shaffer, Sr., pay it fine of $20 for the support of the government, pay the costs of prosecution, and stand committed until the sentence is complied with; and that John Shaffer the younger be imprisoned for one calendar month, pay a fine of $20 for the support of the government, costs of prosecution, and stand committed until the sentence is complied with.

The indictment of the same parties for assaulting Gabriel Morrison was ignored. The cause for the assault is not stated, but it very likely occurred when the sheriff was in the line of his official duty.

At December sessions, 1800, James Russell, of the Russell Inn, was again indicted for keeping a tippling house, but the bill was not pressed. At February sessions, 1801, Daniel Buck was indicted for assault and battery on Jacob Manvel. A true bill was found, and when his case was called he plead "not guilty," and "put himself on his country." The subsequent day, February 4th, he withdrew his plea and plead guilty. The sentence of the court was that he pay a fine of one cent for the support of the government, pay the costs, etc. The costs amounted to $7.87.


When Lycoming was set off from Northumberland county, she became a part of the IIId judicial district, of which Jacob Rush was president judge; the act creating this county provided that his jurisdiction in Lycoming should be the same as belonged to president judges in other counties of the State. He was a brother of the celebrated Dr. Benjamin Rush; was born near Philadelphia in 1746; graduated at Princeton in 1765; and was for many years president of the court of common pleas, Philadelphia, where he died, January 5, 1820.

Although William Hepburn was without legal learning, he discharged the responsible duties of judge with ability and fairness. He was born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1753, and arrived in the West Branch valley about 1773. At first he was employed by Culbertson in digging the race for his mill which he was preparing to build at the mouth of Mosquito creek. On the breaking out of the Indian troubles he took an active part in protecting the frontier settlers and soon rose to the rank of colonel, with headquarters at Fort Muncy. He proved himself a thorough soldier, and his name frequently occurs in the Colonial Records. In 1794 he was sent to the State Senate and was instrumental in having Lycoming county organized. Judge Hepburn was twice married, and was the father of nineteen children. His first wife, whom he married in 1777, was Crecy Covenhoven, a sister of the famous scout, spy, and soldier, Robert Covenhoven. She died, April 8, 1800, aged seventy-one years, leaving three sons and seven daughters. He married, second, Elizabeth Huston, daughter of Thomas and Jane Huston, of Williamsport, and sister of Charles Huston, the eminent lawyer and judge of the Supreme court. The fruits of this marriage were four sons and five daughters. All are deceased but one daughter, now nearly ninety years old. Judge Hepburn died, June 25, 1821, aged sixty-eight years. His wife survived him until November 21, 1827, when she passed away, aged forty-eight years. Both died in the old-fashioned brick house, now standing at the foot of Park street, Williamsport. It is a noted landmark and should be carefully preserved on account of its antiquity and the historical associations which cluster around it. Judge Hepburn and wife were buried in the Fourth Street graveyard, near the graves of those who were so cruelly slain in the Indian massacre of 1778, and whose bodies he assisted in burying. The remains of himself and wife were afterwards transferred to Wildwood.

While Lycoming county was in the IIId district, many of the executions and other official papers were issued by Judge Hepburn, his name and that of Judge Rush each appearing on them during that period. The justices of the Supreme court of the State held courts of nisi prius for the district at Sunbury before the beginning of this century. The records show that at the October assizes, 1796, before Justices Yeates and Smith, a case was heard involving lands on "Loyalsock and Muncy creeks;" and at the October assizes, 1798, before the same justices, a case of ejectment for lands in Lycoming township was heard. Nisi prius courts were abolished, March 20, 1799, and circuit courts were authorized. After Lycoming became a part of the VIIIth district, February 24, 1806, the following judges presided over her courts.

Thomas Cooper was appointed, March 1, 1806. He was born in London, October 22, 1759; educated at Oxford, and became a noted chemist, and acquired an extensive knowledge of law and medicine. He was expelled from England on account of favoring the French Revolution of 1798, and incurring the disfavor of Burke, who threatened him with prosecution. On coming to America he joined his friend, Dr. Joseph Priestley, at Northumberland, also an exile. Governor McKean appointed him. to the bench, but owing to his peculiar notions and irascible temper, he soon came in conflict with the bar, which lead to his impeachment and removal in 1811. His district was composed of the counties of Northumberland, Luzerne, and Lycoming. One of the charges against him at his trial was "that he appeared armed with deadly weapons at the court house in Williamsport." He admitted that the charge was true, but did so because some one had threatened him with personal violence. After his removal he became a professor of chemistry at Dickinson College, Carlisle, and subsequently died in South Carolina at the age of eighty-one.

Hon. Seth Chapman was appointed his successor, July 10, 1811, and remained on the bench until October 10, 1833. He was born, January 23, 1771; studied law and was admitted to the bar, when he settled at Northumberland. Judge Chapman, although talented, became very slothful and neglected his judicial business to such an extent that articles of impeachment were preferred against him. He was tried and acquitted, when he resigned, after being on the bench twenty-two years.  He died at Northumberland, December 4, 1834, aged almost sixty-four years.

Hon. Ellis Lewis was commissioned president judge of the district, October 14, 1833, and resigned, January 14, 1843. This eminent jurist was born at Lewisberry, York county, Pennsylvania, in May, 1798. He was apprenticed to learn the trade of a printer with John Wyeth, at Harrisburg, in 1814, but ran away and a reward of $20 was offered for him. He came to Williamsport in 1819 or 1820, and associated himself with J. K. Torbert in the publication of the Lycoming Gazette. Having a taste for the law he read under Espy Van Horn and was admitted, September 2, 1822, Thomas Burnside, Samuel Hepburn, and Alem Marr, the committee, having reported him favorably to the court. In 1829 he located at Wellsboro and became prosecuting attorney for Tioga county. Next we find him at Towanda Bradford county, where he rose rapidly in public favor. In 1832 he was sent to the Lower House of the legislature from that county, and in January, 1833, he became attorney general for Pennsylvania. In October of the same year Governor Wolf commissioned him president judge of the district composed of the counties of, Lycoming, Northumberland, Union, and Columbia, and he took up his residence in Williamsport. After serving ten years he was appointed president judge of the Lancaster district, January, 1843, and in October, 1851, he was elevated to the Supreme bench, and on November 17. 1854, he became chief justice, which high position he retained until November 17, 1857. He declined a re-nomination and retired to private life. Judge Lewis was a member of the commission to revise the criminal code of Pennsylvania in 1858. During his earlier years he studied medicine, and the knowledge thus derived of medical jurisprudence secured for him the honorary degree, of M. D. from the Philadelphia College of Medicine; he also received the degree of L.L.D. from Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, and Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania. In addition to his judicial labors be found time to prepare a work entitled, "Abridgement of the Criminal Law of the United States." And be frequently contributed to periodical publications of the day on literary topics. Judge Lewis, about 1826 or 1827, married Miss Wallis, daughter of Joseph J. Wallis, of Williamsport. They had two sons and one daughter. The latter, Juliet, married Hon. James H. Campbell and they reside in Philadelphia. James, the youngest of the family, entered the marine service. Judge Lewis died at Philadelphia, March 19, 1871.

Charles G. Donnel succeeded Judge Lewis on the bench of the VIIIth district. He was born at Williamsport, March 14, 1801, son of Henry and Margaret (Gobin) Donnel. His father was one of the early commissioners of Lycoming county, and his maternal grandfather was concerned in building the first court house. He read law with Ebenezer Greenough, of Sunbury, where his parents had taken up their residence, and was admitted at April sessions, 1822. In 1829 he was appointed deputy attorney general for his adopted county and served four years. He was commissioned president judge, January 14, 1843, by Governor Porter, and took the oath of office two days later. Judge Donnel's judicial career was cut short by his sudden death, which occurred March 16, 1844. His widow, now quite aged, lives at Sunbury.

Joseph Biles Anthony was appointed to succeed Judge Donnel by Governor Porter in 1844. He was born at Philadelphia, June 19, 1795; graduated at Princeton, and took up his residence at Milton, and while engaged in teaching in the academy at that place, read law with Samuel Hepburn and was admitted, November 26, 1817. He then made a journey to Ohio, but finding no place to locate, returned and settled permanently at Williamsport, where he was admitted in 1818. Mr. Anthony took an active part in politics and was sent to the State Senate in 18309 and four years later to Congress, and after serving one term he was re-elected. So popular had he become with the people that at his last election he was chosen by an unprecedented majority, carrying every township in every county of his district, and every ward in every borough.

Before his appointment to the bench of this district he was appointed judge of the Nicholson court of Pennsylvania, a court established to settle titles to vast tracts of land lying principally in the northwestern part of the State.

Judge Anthony was strong intellectually and a great lover of amusement. He possessed a fund of anecdote which made his company much sought after. His humor would crop out on all occasions no matter whether the subject was grave or gay, and he never failed to excite the sensibilities of those around him. In his personal appearance he was a handsome man, of rotund figure, cleanly shaven face. and of medium size.

As a judge he was guided by a stern integrity of purpose, and distributed justice with impartiality; while his honesty of character won for him the good opinions of all good men. He died at his home in Williamsport, January 10, 1851, greatly regretted by all his friends. His last words were: "It is folly, it is folly; we must leave it, all." A. white marble tablet marks his grave in the Williamsport cemetery. Judge Anthony married Miss Grafius of Williamsport. They had one son and six daughters. All are deceased. The daughters married as follows: Elizabeth R. became the wife of John R. Campbell; Martha B., of Hepburn McClure; Catharine G., of Henry White; Mary V., of Dr. Charles L. Lyon; Rachel A., of James B. Montgomery, and Emily, of John Morgan.

James Pollock, of Milton, who had already achieved high political distinction as a member of Congress, was appointed by Governor Johnston president judge of the VIIIth judicial district, January 16, 1851, vice Anthony, deceased. He was born in Milton, September 11, 1810, and died in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, April 19, 1890. at the house of his son-in-law, H. T. Harvey, Esq. Judge Pollock's commission expired, December 1, 1851, after having filled out the unexpired portion of Judge Anthony's term, and he returned to the practice of the law, having been admitted November 5, 1833. He was elected Governor in 1854, served his term of three years, and in 1861 he was appointed a member of the Crittenden Peace Conference and met with that body at Washington. In May, 1861, President Lincoln appointed him director of the United States mint at Philadelphia. He retired in 1866, but was reinstated by President Grant in 1869, and in 1873 became superintendent of that institution. The legend, "In God We Trust," stamped on our national coins, was originally suggested by him and adopted by the Secretary of the Treasury. In 1879 he was appointed naval officer at Philadelphia, and held that office four years. His last official position was that of Federal chief supervisor of elections, to which he was appointed in 1886. Governor Pollock took an active part during the war and by speech and otherwise rendered the government valuable service.

By the amendment of 1850 the office of president judge was made elective and the term of service fixed at ton years. Following this came the act of April 15, 1851, rearranging the judicial districts, and the VIIIth was constituted as follows: Northumberland, Lycoming, Centre, and Clinton.

Alexander Jordan succeeded Judge Pollock by election in October, 1851, and was commissioned November 6th following. He served until February 28, 1868, when the county was made a separate district. He was born at Jaysburg, May 19, 1798, and was a son of Samuel and Rosanna (McClester) Jordan. His father was an early settler in Jaysburg and became the keeper of the first jail, which office he filled until the new prison was built in Williamsport in 1801. He was a boatman and pilot by occupation and followed the river. About 1802 Samuel Jordan removed his family to Milton and settled there. Here Alexander received his rudimentary education. During the war of 1812, when a mere lad, he marched across the State with the militia to Meadville, and performed the duties of deputy commissary for a short time. Returning from this military expedition he entered a store in Milton as a clerk and remained for several years. Hugh Bellas was then prothonotary of Northumberland county, and he secured a position under him as deputy. While serving in this capacity he road law, and finally, after some delay, was admitted, April 19, 1820. He served as deputy prothonotary under George W. Brown and Andrew Albright. He was successful at the bar. In 1826 he was appointed prothonotary for the Supreme court for the Middle district, which was a great benefit to him, as it brought him in contact with many leading people. In politics he was a Democrat, and when he ran for judge he received a large majority, on account of his recognized abilities and personal popularity. He took the oath of office, November 28, 1851, and at the expiration of his term he was re-elected and served until 1871, a period of twenty years. After Lycoming was taken from his district he did not preside here. Judge Jordan was twice married. He always cherished the fond recollection for the place of his birth, and although the little village went into decline when Williamsport was selected for the public buildings, and soon became extinct, he frequently, while holding court, visited the spot and pondered over the scenes of his boyhood. His death occurred at Sunbury, October 5, 1,978.

In the winter of 1868 Peter Herdic and his friends conceived the idea of having Lycoming county made a separate judicial district, as it came within the requirements of the Constitution as to population. A bill was prepared and introduced. It promptly passed and was approved by Governor Geary, February 28, 1868. This act authorized the Governor to appoint a suitable person president judge, who should hold the office until the first Monday of December, 1868. And it provided, furthermore, that in the meantime a judge should be elected on the second Tuesday of October of that year to serve for ten years.

On the passage of the act Governor Geary appointed B. S. Bentley president judge of the now district, which was designated the XXIXth, and he immediately assumed the duties of his office. When the time for holding the election approached Judge Bentley was nominated by the Republicans and James Gamble by the Democrats. A warm campaign ensued and the election resulted in the choice of Mr. Gamble. He was duly commissioned and took his seat on the bench.

When the next legislature assembled a bill was introduced, at the instigation of Peter Herdic, repealing the act creating the XXIXth district and annexing Lycoming to the IVth district, which was composed of Tioga, Potter, McKean, Elk, and Clearfield counties. It was rushed through the legislature because in those days Herdic wielded great influence at Harrisburg and was approved, March 16, 1869. Suddenly and unexpectedly Judge Gamble found himself legislated out of office. This sudden change in judicial affairs caused a great sensation. Judge Gamble and his friends doubted the legality of the measure, and they took steps promptly to bring it before the Supreme court. It was argued in Philadelphia, (see State Reports, P. F. Smith, 12, page 343,) when the court decided that the act of March 16th was "unconstitutional and void and of no effect;" or, in other words, a legislative act which infringes on the tenure of judges is invalid, and Judge Gamble retained his seat on the bench and served out his term.

B. S. Bentley was a native of Cairo, Greene county, New York, where he was born early in the century; was educated at Hamilton, studied law at Montrose, Pennsylvania, with Hon. William Jessup, and was admitted in 1839. He practiced at Montrose until 1866, when he came to Williamsport in October of that year and settled. He was the first president judge of Lycoming county after it became a separate judicial district, and served until January, 1869. When Lackawanna county was erected in 1878 he was appointed president judge of that district served from August 1878, to January, 1880, when he returned to Williamsport and resumed his law practice. Judge Bentley died, March 6, 1882.

James Gamble, who was chosen president judge at the October election of 1868, was born near Jersey Shore, January 28, 1809. He was chiefly educated in the Jersey Shore Academy, and after leaving school learned the trade of a tanner. Early in life he evinced a taste for the law, and entering the office of A. V. Parsons, then a resident of Jersey Shore, studied under his direction and was admitted in December, 1833. The following January he was appointed county treasurer and served two years. Returning to Jersey Shore he entered on the practice of his profession in 1836. In 1841 he was sent to the Lower House of the legislature, and returned in 1842. After the expiration of his service at Harrisburg he returned home and resumed his profession, which he followed closely for seven years. In 1850 he received the Democratic nomination for Congress in the XVIth district, composed of the counties of Lycoming, Clinton, Sullivan, Union, and Northumberland, and was elected. He was re-nominated in 1852 and elected from a new district embracing the counties of Lycoming, Clinton, Centre, Mifflin, and Clearfield. Having closed his congressional service in 1855 he again returned to the law and continued in the quiet pursuit of his profession until called to the bench. During his service of ten years many exciting and important causes came before him for adjudication, but he discharged his duties with such ability and impartiality as to win the respect and confidence of the people, and retired from the office with high honors, January 6, 1879. Judge Gamble was courteous and dignified in his manners and always pleasant and sociable. He married Miss Elizabeth Breneman, of Columbia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Four children were the fruits of the union-two sons and two daughters and one of each survives. From early life Judge Gamble was a member of the Presbyterian church and took an active interest in its welfare. His last public service was in the capacity of master in chancery, with Judge Bentley and Judge Samuel Linn, to distribute the relief fund contributed to the sufferers by the Milton fire. They were appointed by Judge Rockefeller and performed the delicate work assigned them with fidelity.

Hugh Hart Cummin was the successor of Judge Gamble. When the time came to select candidates for the office the Democrats nominated John J. Metzger, Esq. The Republicans being in the minority did not nominate a candidate, but expressed a willingness to unite with those Democrats who were not in sympathy with the nominee of their party, and run an independent or People's candidate. After several conferences this plan was adopted and Mr. Cummin was selected. In politics, he was a Democrat, but took sides with that element which believed that the question of selecting a judge should be one entirely free from political bias. The Greenback party, however, which was a factor in the politics of the times, refused to join coalition, and nominated George W. Youngman, Esq., one of the oldest members of the bar. Thus the judicial battle was joined and after an exciting three cornered campaign, which was not entirely free from bitterness on the part of the friends of Cummin and Metzger, resulted November 5, 1878, in the election of Cummin by 805 plurality. Youngman received 1,187 votes, and Cummin had 4,637 out of a total poll of 10,156. The friends of the successful candidate were so elated over their triumph that they united in a grand jollification. meeting the next evening, at which bonfire blazed, and ringing speeches were made.

Judge Cummin took his seat on the bench, January 6, 1879. His term was a successful one, and he retired with credit, January 6, 1889. On leaving the bench he opened an office and resumed the practice of his profession, and immediately addressed himself with his characteristic energy and application to the business which came to him.

When the great flood of June 1, 1889, inundated the populous part of Williamsport, ruined the homes of hundreds of citizens, and destroyed a vast amount of property, Judge Cummin, true to his natural impulses, was found among those who first moved in organizing a committee for the relief of the sufferers. He disregarded his professional interests and gave himself up wholly to the work of dispensing aid to the sufferers. Every meeting found him present, and he was by common consent chosen treasurer of the Citizens' Relief Committee. His services were laborious, but he shrunk not from what he conceived to be an imperative duty.

In the meantime the greater disaster at Johnstown had aroused the sympathies of the civilized world, and contributions for the relief of the sufferers were pouring into such an enormous extent that Governor Beaver found it necessary to appoint a State commission to take charge of the funds and direct their proper distribution. This commission consisted of nine men eminent in professional and business circles Judge Cummin was one of the number selected, and when the commission meeting organized by electing him chairman. This necessitated his location at Johnstown, and he repaired thither to assume the enormous responsibility which had been imposed on him in the interest of humanity. The confidence reposed in his ability and integrity was great, but the labor of discharging the duty was greater. The strain he had been subjected to here was intensified at Johnstown, and he soon fell ill of diabetes. He repaired to the hotel at Cresson Springs and the best medical aid was summoned to his relief. The insidious disease, however, developed rapidly, and death claimed him, August 11, 1889. He fell a victim in the cause of suffering humanity, and his death was almost as tragic as if he had suffered martyrdom in a more violent form.

When his remains reached the city a meeting of the bar was called by Judge Metzger to take action in reference to attending the funeral, and a similar meeting was called by Reno Post, No. 64, G. A. R. The funeral took place Tuesday, August 13, 1889, from, Trinity church, and was one of the largest ever seen in the city.

John J. Metzger, who was defeated by Judge Cummin in 1878, was his successor in 1888. He was the regular Democratic nominee, and B. Stuart Bentley, son of Judge Bentley, was the Republican nominee. The campaign was conducted very quietly, but a large vote was cast and the contest was close. The figures were as follows: Metzger, 7,074; Bentley, 7,030; Ames, Prohibition, 189. Metzger's plurality, 44. Total vote polled, 14,293. The closeness of the contest was a surprise to both parties, and it gave rise to suspicion on the part of some of the friends of Mr. Bentley that fraud had been committed by the Democrats, and a contest was talked of. The Republican county chairman, John B. Emery, finally took the preliminary steps to bring about a judicial investigation. A petition signed by some, fifty voters, "complaining of a false return and undue election of John J. Metzger," was laid before the attorney general, whereupon that official reported the matter to the Governor and he issued a precept to Judges W. M. Rockefeller, Joseph C. Bucher, and Charles A. Mayer, directing said judges to convene the court of common pleas of Lycoming county to hear and determine the complaint of the petitioners. Errors in registration, illegal voting on age, and non-payment of taxes were alleged. The first session of the court was held December 7, 1888, when the case was opened in due form. The following attorneys appeared for the petitioners: H. C. & S. T. McCormick, Candor & Munson, and J. T. Fredericks. The respondent was represented by H. C. Parsons, R. P. Allen, H. W. Watson, and W. W. Hart. On the 12th of January, 1889, "the cause being at issue," the parties to the contest nominated James L. Meredith and Frank P. Cummings for examiners. They were, confirmed, and two stenographers appointed to make a verbatim report of the testimony. The examiners were ordered to "proceed with all possible dispatch to collect. the ballot boxes containing the ballots. cast for president judge," and deposit them in some secure place until called for by the court. As there were fifty-nine voting precincts in the county the task of collecting the boxes was not an easy one, especially in the month of January. Examiners Meredith and Cummings made a tour of the, county, gathered up the ballot boxes, brought them to Williamsport and stored them in a cell in the county jail for safe keeping. In the meantime Judge Metzger took the oath of office, and having received. a commission, subject to the decision of the court of investigation, ascended the bench and presided at the January session; and continued to hold court while the investigation was pending.

The examiners proceeded with the work of taking testimony. This work, after the novelty wore off, became very monotonous, and it was the 10th of December, 1889, before they closed their labors. They were not in daily session, however; frequent adjournments took place. A mass of testimony making 3,797 printed pages was taken. The record, including the opinion and summing up of the court, made 488 pages; respondent's brief, 166; contestant's brief, 116. Total printed pages relating to the contest, 4,567.

All the boxes were opened by the court and the ballots examined. This required much time, but there was no other way to arrive at an exact conclusion. Illegal ballots cast for either party were set aside and a record made of them, when they were deducted from the respective totals. By this method the court was enabled to arrive at the correct majority. By this process Judges Rockefeller and Bucher found that 333 illegal votes were cast for Judge Metzger, and 387 for Mr. Bentley. This reduced Metzger's total vote to. 6,650, and Bentley's to 6,521, leaving a majority of 129 for Metzger instead of forty-four as originally reported before the contest was commenced. Judge Mayer dissented from his colleagues in the admission of certain ballots, and filed an opinion. He also submitted a table which, reduced Metzger's majority to fifty-nine. The court then closed its opinion in the following words:

We find as the result that the said respondent, John J. Metzger, received the greatest number of legal votes cast at the said election, and 129 votes more than Benjamin Stuart Bentley, and that the said John J. Metzger was duly elected to the said office of president judge, and is therefore entitled to the same.

A decree was then made affirming the above and ordering the prothonotary "to enter this decision of record to the case," and transmit a copy to the secretary of the Commonwealth. It was signed by C. A. Mayer, J. C. Bucher, and W. M. Rockefeller, president judges. Judge Mayer appended a note to the decree stating that he concurred in everything except the majority, which he found to be fifty-nine instead of 129.

Thus ended the great judicial contest which commenced December 7, 1888, and closed August 12, 1890. Nothing more remained for the court to do but fix the costs. This they did October 11, 1890, by declaring "that there was probable cause for this contest, and that the costs and expenses shall be paid by the county of Lycoming." On summing up the items the total was found to be $16,060.92, which was paid by the county. The State paid the judges as follows: William M. Rockefeller, $2,220; C. A. Mayer, $2,241; Joseph C. Bucher, $2,400. Total, $ 6,864. The direct and indirect cost of the contest, therefore, was $23,024.92. Aside from this the contestants and respondent paid fully $3,000 each for private expenses which do not Appear in the bill of costs.

This was the first contest in the State under the act relieving the Senate of conducting such investigations. It attracted wide attention and the proceedings were watched with deep interest. Much bitterness of feeling was engendered between the contestants and the friends of the respondent, but the outcome was very gratifying to the latter. And whilst the trial was a costly one, it may be productive of good in causing more care in conducting elections.

Judge Metzger is a native of Lycoming county, having been born in Clinton township in 1838, and reared on a farm. He graduated at Dickinson Seminary and afterwards taught school. He studied law with A. J. Dietrick and C. D. Emery and was admitted in April, 1860. He engaged in his profession and soon became noted for his success as a criminal lawyer. In 1862 he was elected district attorney for Lycoming county and served three years. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1872-73, and also served as a member of the council and school board of Williamsport. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Cincinnati in 1876 and voted for Tilden.


Williamsport was early designated as one of the points for holding United States courts for the Western district of Pennsylvania. The holding of circuit courts here by justices of the United States Supreme court began September 18, 1843, in pursuance of an act of Congress passed the previous March. Justice Henry Baldwin held the first court. He having died in 1846, Hon. Robert C. Grier was the next to sit here. Judge Grier was a native of Cumberland county, this State; he was born, March 5, 1794, and was admitted to the bar in 1817. He first settled in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, and in 1818 removed to Danville. In 1833 he was appointed by Governor Wolf judge of the district court of Allegheny county, and he removed to Pittsburg. There he remained until the 4th of August, 1846, when he was appointed by President Polk one of the judges of the United States Supreme court. He was retired in 1869. In 1848 he settled in Philadelphia and resided there until his death, which occurred September 25, 1870. Judge Grier, in 1829, married Isabella, daughter of John Rose, of Williamsport. She inherited the farm owned by her father, now within the limits of the city, which was long known as the "Grier farm." Mrs. Grier died only a few years ago.

Justice Strong hold court here for several years. An act of Congress of 1867 created United States circuit judges to hold circuit courts. Hon. William McKennan was appointed for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, and he came here every year for several years to hold court.

United States district courts have been held here from early in the century, the State having been divided into two judicial districts, April 20, 1818. Lycoming was, in 1824, transferred from the Eastern to the Western district, and from that time two courts per year were to be held in this city. One of the first judges to sit here was William Wilkins, who became Secretary of War in 1844, and soon afterwards minister to Russia. He was followed by Thomas Irwin, and he by Wilson McCandless, who retired, July 26, 1876. He was retired by act of Congress of June 2, 1876, permitting him to retire before reaching the age of seventy. His successor was Hon. W. W. Ketcham, who died in 1879. Marcus W. Acheson, who succeeded him, was promoted to circuit judge in 1891. The latter was succeeded by James T. Reed. He retired at the end of a year and was followed by Joseph Buffington, the present incumbent, in 1892.

The United States district attorneys have been as follows: R. Biddle Roberts, J. Bucher Swope, R. B. Carnahan, William A. Stone, and Walter Lyon.


A clause in the Constitution of 1790 provided for the appointment by the Governor of "not fewer than three nor more than four judges" in each county, who, during their continuance in office, should live in the county. Governor Mifflin, when Lycoming was organized, appointed William Hepburn, James Davidson, Samuel Wallis, and John Adlum associate judges, April 15, 1795. They organized by electing William Hepburn president and by them the judicial machinery of the new county was first set in motion. Adlum resigned, February 16, 1798, to settle in Maryland, and Samuel Harris was appointed the same day to fill the vacancy. Wallis died in October of the same year, and the following December John Fleming was appointed in his place.

The first legislation affecting the number of associate judges was the act of April, 1803, which provided that in any county thereafter organized, and in case of vacancy in any existing county, "the number of the judges in the said county where such vacancy shall happen shall be reduced, and there shall be no more than three associate judges in said county, and the office so become vacant shall hereafter be abolished."  When this law passed the bench of Lycoming was legally filled.

By the act of February 24, 1806, the number was still further reduced by providing that "if any vacancy should hereafter happen in any county at present organized the Governor shall not supply the same, unless the number of associates be thereby reduced to less than two." When this act went into operation there were, three judges on the bench. Soon after Judge Davidson retired, which left two.

Originally the associates were appointed for life, but the Constitution of 1839 reduced the term of service to five years, and made the concurrence of the Senate, necessary to the nomination of the Governor; in 1850 amendments were adopted by which the judiciary became elective; and the Constitution of 1872-73 declares that, "the office of associate judge, not learned in the law, is abolished in counties forming separate districts; but the several associate judges in office when this Constitution shall be adopted shall serve for their unexpired terms." It was under this law that Lycoming ceased to have associates when the terms of the two elected in 1871 expired.

The following have served as associate judges: William Hepburn, John Adlum, Samuel Wallis, and James Davidson, appointed April 15, 1795; Samuel Harris, February 16, 1798; John Fleming, December 11, 1798; John Cummings, July 2, 1821; Dr. Asher Davidson, November 16, 1823 (He succeeded his father, Dr. James Davidson.); Thomas Taggart and John Thomas, March 27, 1841; March 28, 1846, Thomas Taggart and Solomon Bastress; April 1, 1851, William Ellmaker and John Smith. Through the law of 1850 the office now became elective, when the following were chosen: 1851, Solomon Bastress, Apollos Woodward; 1856, C. D. Eldred, William Piatt; 1861, H. B. Packer, James G. Ferguson; 1866, John Smith, George P. Lore; 1871, Huston Hepburn, W. P. I. Painter. With these associates the office, under the new Constitution, became extinct. And it may be mentioned as a singular fact that Mr. Hepburn was the youngest son of William Hepburn, who was one of the first associate judges appointed in 1795. Strange, indeed, that the father and son. should open and close the line of associate judges in Lycoming county within a period of eighty years! Huston Hepburn, who was born in Williamsport August 17, 1817, died there, April 4, 1891. He was the youngest of nineteen children, all of whom are deceased but one, Mrs. Harriet Hart, of Elmira.


Up to 1850 this office was known by the title of deputy attorney general, when it became elective and the title was changed to district attorney. His functions were to prosecute offenders on the part of the Commonwealth. The office was filled by appointment of the attorney general. When the Lycoming courts were organized Jared Ingersoll was the State officer, and the records show that Jonathan Walker was the first deputy for the county. He served up to 1800. For many years the confused condition of the records renders it almost impossible to designate with any degree of accuracy who the deputy was, as the indictments generally bear the name of the attorney general only. It appears that: Mordecai Heylman was appointed January 25, 1809, and served until July 20, 1819, when Espy Van Horn was appointed and served one year. Ellis Lewis succeeded him for 1820. Joseph B. Anthony was appointed in 1821 and served until 1823. The succession then was: 1824 to 1827, Ellis Lewis; 1828, James Armstrong; 1829-32, Robert Fleming; 1833-35, H. D. Ellis; 1836-1838, James Armstrong; 1839-42, George F. Boal; 1843-47, Adolphus D. Wilson; 1848-50, C. W. Scates.

After the last date the office became elective, and from that time up to the present the district attorneys have been as follows: 1850-53, George F. Boal; 1853-56, Clinton Lloyd; 1856-62, Charles D. Emery; 1862-65, John J. Metzger; 1865-68, Joshua Wallbridge; 1868-71, 0. H. Reighard; 1871-74, Guy C. Hinman; 1874-80, W. W. Hart; 1880-83, John Jay Reardon; 1883-86, Verus H. Metzger; 1886-89, James B. Coryell; 1889-92, Charles J. Reilly, present incumbent.


When Lycoming county was erected the first members of the bar to locate here were John Kidd, Charles Huston, and Robert McClure. Kidd, who had been admitted at Sunbury in August, 1791, came here by appointment of Governor Mifflin in April, 1795, invested with authority to swear in the officers of the new county and set the wheels of local government in motion. He opened his office in Jaysburg and performed the duties of all the court officers for several years. He was, therefore, the first member of the bar to settle here permanently. He died April 9, 1813.

Charles Huston was born in Bucks county, January 16, 1771, and was the eldest son of Thomas and Jane Huston. He graduated at Dickinson College in 1789; studied law with Thomas Duncan, and was afterwards employed by the trustees of the college as tutor of the languages. One of his pupils was Roger B. Taney, afterwards chief justice of the Supreme court of the United States. The parents of young Huston came here about the time of the formation of the county. He accompanied them and was admitted to the bar in August, 1795. He opened an office at Jaysburg and entered on the practice of his profession, and when Williamsport became the county seat he removed there. He devoted much time to the study of land titles and became distinguished in that line of practice. While living in Williamsport he married Mary, a daughter of William Winter, and had two daughters. Jane, the elder, married Hon. James T. Hale, of Bellefonte: Lucy, the younger, became the wife of Gen. E. W. Sturdevant, of Wilkesbarre. In 1807 Mr. Huston removed to Bellefonte, where he continued his practice until Governor Findlay appointed him president judge of the IVth district, over which he presided for eight years., In 1826 Governor Shulze appointed him to a seat on the Supreme bench of Pennsylvania and he served until 1845. Judge Huston died, November 10, 1849.

Robert McClure, the third member of the trio of first lawyers, was born in Cumberland county, February 6, 1772. After receiving a rudimentary education he entered Dickinson College and graduated with honor. Roger B. Taney and Charles Huston were among his classmates. He studied law at Carlisle, came to Williams-port early in 1795, and was admitted to the bar when the county was organized that year. Like Kidd and Huston he first opened an office in Jaysburg. He married Mary, a daughter of William Hepburn. Mr. McClure was sent to the Lower House of the legislature in 1822 and returned in 1824. In 1827 he was chosen a State Senator, but died December 13, 1829, before the completion of his term. He was buried in the old graveyard on West Fourth street, Williamsport.

John Rose first appears as a young man "on the assessment of Loyalsock for 1708; and from 1801 to 1808, the word attorney" is written opposite his name, showing that he had become a member of the bar. Andrew Tulloh, whom tradition says was his companion, is assessed in 1799 as an "attorney;" and in 1801 he is assessed, in addition to his profession, for "one brick house and a horse." In 1803 the word "dead" is written after his name. Like Rose he is believed to have been a Scotchman. He had the honor of building the first brick law office in the town.

Daniel Smith, another early member of the Lycoming bar, graduated at Princeton in 1787. He studied law and settled on a farm just south of Milton. He married Cassandra, daughter of Samuel and Lydia Wallis, of Muncy Farms, and was one of the administrators to settle the estate of his father-in-law, and his name frequently occurs on the early records. Tunison Coryell in his reminiscences says that he was "eminent as a lawyer, and was considered one of the most eloquent speakers at the bar, and was engaged in all important cases then in the counties of Northumberland, Lycoming, and Luzerne." His death occurred, April 6, 1810, in the forty-fifth year of his age.

The names of Gilchrist, Levy, and Carson occur very often on the appearance dockets from 1796 to 1800; indeed, for two or three years, James Gilchrist appears to have been concerned in three-fourths of all the cases docketed for trial. Thomas Duncan was here frequently, and after 1800 Roberts and Heylmun appear occasionally. It has been stated that Reynolds and the Teeples were lawyers of the time, but their names do not appear on any of the court records. The names of John Teeple, merchant, and Jacob Teeple, farmer, appear on the assessment list for Lycoming township in 1796; and in 1800 David Reynolds and the Teeples appear as farmers.

Charles Hall, born in 1767, read law with Col. Thomas Hartley, at York, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar of Northumberland county in 1791. He married Elizabeth Coleman, of Lebanon county, daughter of the wealthy iron manufacturer. He purchased and presented his daughter the Muncy Farms, now known as "Hall's Farms." Mr. Hall built the large building in Sunbury long occupied by the late John B. Packer for an office. When he took up his residence in Lycoming county, he became a member of the bar and took an active interest in public affairs. He died, January 14, 1821, while on a visit to Philadelphia. His remains were removed to the cemetery at Hall's and interred in the family lot.

Henry D. Ellis was born near Penn's Dale, Muncy township, about 1802; studied law and was admitted to the bar and settled in Williamsport. He obtained some prominence in his profession. Mr. Ellis died, July 22, 1851.

Adolphus D. Wilson was one of the early members of the bar and served as deputy attorney general from 1843 to 1847. He married a daughter of Gen. William Petrikin, of Bellefonte. Mr. Wilson built a brick house on the southwest corner of Willow and Pine streets - afterwards owned by Judge Smith - which is still standing. Soon after completing the house both Mr. Wilson and his wife died within a short time of each other.

The early court records give the dates of the admission of the following members of the bar: March 2, 1798, Samuel Roberts, on motion of Jonathan Walker; September term, 1798: Elias White Hale, on motion of Charles Hall; John White, on motion of Charles Huston; Enoch Smith, on motion of Jonathan Walker; September term, 1799, A. Jones, "sworn and admitted." At December term, 1799, Ellis Walton was admitted, Jonathan Walker and Daniel Smith "having reported in his favor." The quarter sessions docket for 1803 shows that on August 31st of that, year, John Evans and James Orpeson were admitted. Owen Foulke was admitted, February 1, 1804, and William H. Wells, September 4th of the same year. September 4, 1805, Thomas Burnside and Charles J. Ingersol were received, and December 2, 1805, the admission of Samuel Hepburn is noted.

George F. Boal, born at Muncy in 1811, studied law under William Cox Ellis and was admitted, September 5, 1832. He represented Lycoming county in the legislature in 1842, and in 1854 he was elected prothonotary by the Know Nothings, and died January 18, 1858. George DePue came here about 1860 and studied law with Maynard & Willard. Soon after his admission he went to Kansas and died there, about 1865.


William Cox Ellis was born in Fort Muncy in 1789. He received such educational advantages as the times afforded, and early displayed an aptitude for learning. July 11, 1810, he married Rebecca, daughter of B. Wister and Mary Morris, of Wellsboro. In 1816 be settled in Milton and became cashier of a bank. While serving in that capacity he studied law with Samuel Hepburn and was admitted at Sunbury. He soon after located at Muncy and entered upon the practice of his profession in Lycoming county. Mr. Ellis possessed a high order of intellect and was an eloquent speaker. He was one of the most active men of his time and took a deep interest in public improvements. His voice and influence were always on the side or whatever was calculated to benefit the country. He was sent to Congress in 1820, and re-elected in 1822. In 1825 he was sent to the legislature and again in 1826. On account of his quick perception, originality of thought, and brilliancy of expression, he was often called "the John Randolph of the West Branch valley."  He died at his home in Muncy, December 13, 1871.

Hon. Francis C. Campbell was born at York, Pennsylvania, April 18, 1787; studied law with David Watts, of Carlisle, and was admitted to the bar, August, 1810. He came to Williamsport, April 18, 1812, being then just twenty-five years. of age. In May, 1816, he married Jane Hepburn, daughter of James Hepburn, of Northumberland. Mr. Campbell stood high as a lawyer and his practice was marked with rare success. He was a graduate of Dickinson College and a man of high literary attainments. After being in active practice for fifty years he retired. His death occurred at his home in Williamsport, April 21, 1867. He left throe sons and three daughters, all of whom survive. John R., the oldest, resides in Washington, and James H., the second, in Philadelphia.

Hon. Anson V. Parsons, who attained distinction as a lawyer and jurist, was born in Granville, Massachusetts, in 1798. After a thorough course in the schools of that day he entered the law school at Litchfield, Connecticut, and graduated with high honors. When he came to Pennsylvania he tarried for a short time in Lancaster to familiarize himself with Pennsylvania practice in the office of Andrew Porter. About 1824 he settled in Jersey Shore and opened a law office, which was the first irk that place. He soon acquired a good practice. January 22, 1843, he was appointed secretary of the Commonwealth by Governor Porter, and served until February 16, 1844. He was elected a State Senator, but before the expiration of his term he was appointed president judge of the court of common pleas, Philadelphia, and took up his residence in that city. On completing his term he returned to practice. He collected and published in two volumes a valuable work entitled "Parsons's Equity Cases." Judge Parsons married a daughter of James Hepburn, Esq., of Northumberland. She died in 1853, and he followed her in September, 1882. Two sons and two daughters survive. Hon. H. C. Parsons, of the Lycoming county bar, is one of the sons.

James Armstrong, born in Milton, February 15, 1794, was educated in the schools of that place. He learned the trade of a tanner, when he settled in Williamsport and engaged in that business. Having a taste for. the law he studied under Joseph B. Anthony and was admitted to the bar. He married Sarah Hepburn daughter of Judge William Hepburn, and one son and two daughters were born to them. Mr. Armstrong built up a good law practice. April 6, 1857, Governor Pollock appointed him a member of the Supreme bench to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, which position he filled until December, 1857. Judge Armstrong died August 13, 1857, and. is buried in the Williamsport cemetery.

Oliver Watson was born, November 10, 1811, on Lycoming creek; was educated in the common schools; studied law with James Arm strong, and was admitted in May, 1837. He was treasurer of Lycoming county, in 1838-40. Mr. Watson practiced law until 1856, when he was elected president of the West Branch Bank, and held the office to the close of his life, a period of twenty six years. He married Marietta Scott, daughter of Hon. David Scott, of Wilkesbarre, November 16, 1843. Mr. Watson died, September 1, 1882. His widow survives.

Huston Hepburn, son of Judge William Hepburn, was born, in Williamsport, August 17, 1817. He studied law with Hon. James Gamble at Jersey Shore, and was admitted in May, 1841. He was deputy sheriff from 1844 to 1847; prothonotary from 1856 to 1859 associate judge from 1871 to 1876, and then deputy until 1878. He died, April 1891.

Robert Fleming, was born near where Look Haven now stands, May 12, 1801. When he grew to manhood he studied law, And was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in 1827. He settled in Williamsport and engaged in the practice of his profession. One of the greatest cases he was ever employed in was the trial of John Earls for poisoning his wife, at February term, 1836. In October, 1836, he was elected a State Senator, and in 1838 he was a member of the Constitutional Convention, and again a Senator in 1839. He died, May 30, 1874.

Hepburn McClure was a son of Robert McClure, who was one of the three first lawyers to locate in Williamsport in 1795. He was born November 24, 1809; studied law with his father and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county about 1830. He served as postmaster of Williamsport and prothonotary of Lycoming county. At the time of his death, which. occurred in the spring of 1890, he was the oldest member of the bar.

Robert P. Allen was born in Armstrong township, Lycoming county, February 6, 1835; was educated at Dickinson Seminary and Lafayette College; studied law in the office of General Fleming, Williamsport, and at Harvard Law School; he was admitted at Williamsport in the fall of 1857, and practiced here during his life.

Mr. Allen served as a State Senator in 1875, 1876, 1877, and 1878. He was successful at the bar and built up a large practice. He died at his home in Williamsport, December 6, 1890. Mr. Allen married Miss Ellen Fleming, daughter of his legal preceptor, and three sons and three daughters were the fruits of the union.

James W. Quiggle was born at Wayne, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, January 20, 1820; studied law with Hon. James Gamble at Jersey Shore, and was admitted to the bar in 1841. He served as a State Senator in 1852, and was afterwards consul of the United States at Antwerp. Mr. Quiggle also served as deputy attorney general for Clinton county and then as prosecuting attorney. He died, November 28, 1878.

Seth T. McCormick, born January 17, 1817, in White Deer valley, Lycoming county, was a great-grandson of one of the original framers of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. He spent a large portion of his life on a farm; came to Williamsport in 1861, where he studied law with W. W. Willard and was admitted in 1862. He was elected a member of common council in 1869 and served almost continuously to his death. As a member of this body he was noted for his ability, aggressiveness, and watchfulness in guarding the interests of the city. He served long as chairman of the finance committee; was the head of the law firm of S. T. & H. C. McCormick. He died, December 1, 1878.

George White, second child of Col. Hugh and Charlotte (Weitzel) White, was born near Pine creek, in November, 1816; educated at Allegheny College, Meadville; graduated with the degree of A. B., 1837; received the degree of A. M., 1840; went to Alabama in 1837, and taught school for several years. Returning to Pennsylvania, he studied law in Williamsport, and was admitted to the bar, where he practiced with success. He served many years as attorney for the commissioners, and was at one time urged to become a candidate for president judge. Mr. White married, April 10, 1851, Annie Elizabeth Parker, daughter of Rev. Joel Parker, D. D., of Philadelphia. His death occurred at his home in Williamsport, December 31, 1867.

Henry White, fourth and youngest child of Col. Hugh and Charlotte (Weitzel) White, was born near Pine creek, August 8, 1810. Was educated at Allegheny College, Meadville; studied law with his brother George and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county, but did not follow his profession. He entered into partnership with his brother-in-law, Robert S. Bailey, in United States mail and stage contracts, then a profitable business. When the stage was superseded by railroads he engaged in the lumber business and became a member of the firm of White, Lentz & White. He also spent some time at Freeport, Pennsylvania, engaged in contracts on the public works. Mr. White married, first, Catharine, daughter of Judge Anthony, and second, Martha Covell, of Elmira. He served many years as a member of common council. In 1877 he was the Democratic candidate for Congress in the XVIth district and ran ahead of his ticket. He died, March 7, 1880.

John Wesley Maynard was born, May 6, 1806, in Vermont; was educated in the common schools and at Hamilton Academy, New York; studied law with W. G. Angell and George C. Clyde, Otsego; was admitted to the bar of Tioga county, Pennsylvania, in 1831; located in Williamsport in 1840, where he resided to the close of his life, with the exception of a few years spent elsewhere. In 1859 he received the appointment of assistant law judge for the Vth judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of Allegheny county, in 1862 he was elected president judge of the IIId judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Northampton and Lehigh, and filled this position ably for six years, when he resigned and returned to Williamsport, where he died in 1885.

T. L. Case located in Williamsport in 1866, and was for a time associated with James M. Wood. About 1871 he removed to Albany, New York, where he soon after died.

Samuel Gamble Morrison was born in Jersey Shore February 8, 1817; studied law with James Gamble, and was admitted in 1842. He married Eliza C. Magee, daughter of Hon. Alexander Magee, of Bloomfield, Perry county, Pennsylvania, December 30, 1845. Being naturally inclined to scientific study, he did not devote himself closely to his profession, and the last fifteen years, of his life were given principally to the study of geology, chemistry, and metallurgy. He also devoted a few years to newspaper enterprise, and during his residence in Williamsport he was interested in the publication of one or two papers. Soon after 1880 he took up his residence in Philadelphia. Mr. Morrison died at Boulder, Colorado, March 10, 1885, while engaged in mine prospecting.

Charles Woodman Scates was born in Milton, Now Hampshire, September 22, 1817. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, and entered Harvard College in 1833, but did not graduate until five years later, as he was obliged to teach in order to get money to finish his course at college. Mr. Joseph Priestley, of Northumberland, wrote to the president of Harvard to send them a teacher to prepare their sons for college, and he, knowing Mr. Scates's pecuniary circumstances, gave him the opportunity of which he gladly availed himself. He remained there more than a year and then returned to Cambridge to finish his course, and graduated in 1838, in the same class with James Russell Lowell.

Shortly after he obtained a position to teach in Charleston, South Carolina, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1844. About this time he had an excellent offer to remain there and practice law, but he refused it, because he had been so impressed with the injustice and cruelty of slavery, that, from being rather indifferent on the subject when he first went there to live, he had become a strong antislavery man, and remained so until slavery was abolished, and hence he resolved not to live in a slave State. Chance, or his friends in Northumberland, drew his attention to Williamsport, where he settled and spent the remainder of his life engaged in the legal profession. In 1861 H. C. Parsons became associated with him, and the law firm of Scates & Parsons did business for several years. Mr. Scates died, March 17, 1873.

James M. Wood, who was elected first mayor of Williamsport when it became a city in 1866, was born in Dutchess county, New York; studied law with Thurston, Hart & Bean, of Elmira, and was admitted at Binghamton in 1861. He located at Williamsport in 1862. He was a member of council for several years and died in 1887.

Aaron J. Dietrick, born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, April 6, 1822; educated at Berwick Academy and Wyoming Seminary; studied law with M. E. Jackson and was admitted at Danville, August 17, 1847; practiced in Columbia and Sullivan counties; located in Williamsport, April 15, 1856; removed to Washington in January, 1864, and returned in 1868. He held the office of city recorder of Williamsport one term by appointment, and one term by election, and died at Wilkesbarre, September 8, 1884.

David Montgomery, son of Robert and Margaret Montgomery, of Clinton township, studied law with James Armstrong and was admitted to the bar. When the war broke out he volunteered in the company commanded by Captain Dodge for the three months' service. On the return of the company David Montgomery and Jesse Fulmer were appointed lieutenants in the United States infantry. Lieutenant Montgomery was in several battles, in one of which he was severely wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy, and was carried to Libby. He suffered much before being exchanged. After the close of the war he remained in the army and was transferred to Texas, where he died in consequence of an accidental shot from his own pistol. He had reached the rank of brevet colonel.

Joshua W. Walbridge was district attorney of Lycoming county from 1865 to 1868. He removed west. Samuel J. Packer was admitted in August, 1860; Robert M. Palmer in April of the same year. Jesse Fulmer was admitted previous to 1856. He was defeated for district attorney by C. D. Emery. He left Williamsport during the war and lives in the West. The following are all deceased: Milton Opp, admitted in 1861; C. A. Lyman, admitted March term, 1860; J. W. Lyman, April term, 1859. John McKinney, born at Heshbon, was admitted, probably, about 1853. During the war he held a position in the office of the United States attorney general, Washington. When peace was restored he was appointed United States judge of a, district in Florida, and died there.

Hon. Samuel Linn, born at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, in 1824, studied law with Bond Valentine and James T. Hale and was admitted at Bellefonte in 1843. He was president judge of the XXVth judicial district from December 1, 1858, until July, 1868; settled in Williamsport in 1869, and died there, October 14, 1890.

R. J. C. Walker was born, October 20,1838, in Chester county, Pennsylvania, and admitted to the bar of Philadelphia, October 20, 1859. There he practiced law until 1878, when he removed to Williamsport, Pennsylvania. In 1880 he was elected a Representative in Congress from the XVIth district, but declined being a candidate for re-nomination. During his term the bill to authorize the erection of the present United States buildings in the city of Williamsport was passed. Mr. Walker has spent much of his time in foreign travel, but his residence and home are still in Williamsport.

John Entermarks, born in Montgomery county, New York, September 24, 1841, came to Williamsport in 1861, read law with Maynard & Willard, and was admitted August 24, 1864. He died in the fall of 1886.

Josiah Emery was a native of Now Hampshire, where he was born, November 30, 1801. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1828. He settled in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, where he read law with James Lowery and was admitted to the bar in 1832. He practiced at Wellsboro until 1871, when he came to Williamsport. During his residence in Wellsboro he served one term as district attorney of Tioga county. He was commissioner of bankruptcy under the act of 1842. 1 He died April 26,1891.

James M. Gamble, son of Judge James Gamble, was born in Jersey Shore in 1845; he was educated at Yale College, graduating in 1867. He studied law with his father and was admitted in May, 1870. Mr. Gamble died, July 16, 1888.

Verus H. Metzger was born in Clinton township, Lycoming county, March 25, 1859; was educated in the public schools of Williamsport and Dickinson Seminary; studied law with his father, Hon. John J. Metzger, and was admitted to the bar in 1881. In the fall of 1883 he was elected district attorney of Lycoming county, and in 1886 he was chosen State Senator for this district. When he took his seat, January 4, 1887, he was the youngest member of that body. He served his term of four years and retired with credit. He soon after fell ill and died, May 28, 1891.


The following is a complete record of members of the Lycoming county bar from the oldest up to the last admitted:

Charles D. Eldred was born in Sullivan county, Pennsylvania, September 12, 1816, and was educated at the common schools; studied law with Oliver Watson, and was admitted to the bar about 1840; practiced in Clinton, Lycoming, and Sullivan counties, but only continued it for a few years; was collector of canal tolls, at Williamsport, from 1848 to 1851; associate judge of Lycoming county from 1856 till 1861; prothonotary, etc., from 1862 till 1865; has been engaged in civil engineering for many years, and now lives on a farm near Muncy.

Henry Johnson was born in New Jersey (Sussex county), June 12,1819, and was educated at Princeton College, New Jersey; studied law at Newton, New Jersey, and was admitted to the bar in 1841 in Trenton; located at Muncy in 1841; was presidential elector in 1848, on the Taylor and Fillmore electoral ticket; was elected Senator of Pennsylvania in 1861, from the district composed of Clinton, Centre, Union, and Lycoming counties, and served during the years 1862-64.  He is now a resident of Williamsport.

Charles M. Laporte was born and educated at Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania; studied law with James Gamble and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in 1841.

George W. Youngman was born in Mifflinburg, Union county, Pennsylvania, June 30, 1819; was educated at the public schools and at the Mifflinburg private academy; studied law with Hon. Anson V. Parsons, and was admitted to the bar in August, 1842.

John J. Sanderson was born in Milton, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1818; was educated at Kirkpatrick's school, Milton, and Dickinson College, Carlisle; studied law at Dickinson law school, Carlisle, and with Samuel Hepburn, Esq., of Milton; was admitted to the bar in 1842, but did not engage actively in the practice of the profession.

Dr. Henry H. Martin was born in Rutland county, Vermont, February 12, 1820; educated at Middlebury College, Vermont; studied law at Jersey Shore in 1842-45 with Hon. James Gamble and was afterwards admitted to the bar of the county; was prothonotary of Lycoming county from 1868 to 1871; resides at Jersey Shore.

Robert Hawley was born in Muncy, Lycoming county, October 6, 1827; was educated in the public schools and the Lewisburg Academy; studied law with Hon. Henry Johnson, Muncy, and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in 1850; practiced at Muncy and Williamsport; was prothonotary of Lycoming county by appointment of Governor Pollock for the year 1856, and commissioner of the board of enrollment for the XVIIIth district of Pennsylvania from April, 1863, to May, 1865; appointed postmaster of Williamsport, July 30, 1869, and retired, January 23, 1878; he then resumed the practice of his profession in Williamsport.

Henry C. Parsons, son of the late Judge A. V. Parsons, of Philadelphia, was born at Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, February 10, 1834; educated at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; studied law at Philadelphia, where he was admitted to the bar in March, 1857; located at Williamsport, November, 1857, where he has followed his profession very successfully ever since.

Charles K. Geddes was born, October 2, 1834, in Newville, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania; educated at Chambersburg Academy and at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania; studied law with Hon. James H. Hopkins, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar at Pittsburg, September 4, 1858, but did not enter upon the practice of his profession until after he located at Williamsport, in 1864.

Charles T. Huston was born at Athens, Bradford county, Pennsylvania, in 1835; was educated in the public schools and at Bucknell University; read law with S. G. Morrison, Esq., being admitted to the bar in 1859.

Henry W. Watson was born at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, October 5, 1836; educated at Princeton College and studied law with Seymour D. Ball, and Lawson & Brown, of Milton; was admitted to the bar at Sunbury in November, 1859, and came to Williamsport immediately, where he has ever since resided.

B. Stuart Bentley was born at Montrose, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania; educated at Franklin, New York; he studied law at Montrose with Bentley & Fitch; admitted to the bar at Montrose in 1860; located at Williamsport, October 20,1866, has served as member of the school board and member of common council, and is now clerk of the circuit court of the United States for the Western district of Pennsylvania.

William Norris was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1842; was educated at the University of Pennsylvania; be studied law with J. & W. H. Armstrong, and was admitted to the bar at Williamsport, April, 1863. Oliver H. Reighard was born in this county in 1840, and received most of his education at the Jersey Shore Academy; he read law with Hon. James Gamble, and was admitted to the bar in Lycoming county in 1863.

Peter Dock Bricker was born in West Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1840; educated at Big Spring Academy, Newville, Pennsylvania, and "Union select" at Plainville, Pennsylvania; studied law with Gen. A. B. Sharpe, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar August 26, 1866; located at Jersey Shore, April, 1867, and has continued there ever since.

Henry C. McCormick was born in Lycoming county, June 30, 1844, and is a son of the late S. T. McCormick, Esq.; was educated in the common schools of the county and at Dickinson Seminary; read law with his father, and was admitted to the bar, August 28, 1866.

J. Clinton Hill was born, June 11, 1841, in Hughesville; graduated at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, in 1864; studied law with J. & W. H. Armstrong, and was admitted to the Lycoming bar in 1867.

James L. Meredith was born near Marshallton, Chester county, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1838; graduated from Union College, New York, in the class of 1865; read law with the late Hon. Daniel M. Smyser, of Norristown, and was admitted to the bar of Montgomery county, September 25, 1867; he located in Williamsport in the spring of 1868, and has remained here ever since; was elected recorder of the city of Williamsport in May, 1871, which position he held until December 1, 1875.

Samuel T. Youngman was born August 24,1846, in Williamsport; was educated at the public schools, Dickinson Seminary, and the Philadelphia Commercial College; studied law with his father, Hon. George W. Youngman, and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county, April 22, 1868, since which time he has practiced at Williamsport.

J. Artley Beeber was born in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, April 6, 1845; educated at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg; read law at Williamsport, and was admitted to the bar, May 5, 1868; has remained at Williamsport since that time; has been city attorney two terms; succeeded A. Updegraff as president of the First National Bank in 1884.

Charles Bartles, Jr., was born at Flemington, New Jersey, in 1843, and educated at Lawrenceville, New Jersey; studied law with Hon. William H. Armstrong, Williamsport, and at the Harvard Law School; was admitted to the bar at Boston, and has since practiced at Williamsport.

H. T. Ames was born, June 7, 1844, in Sullivan township, Tioga county, Pennsylvania; was educated at the State Normal School, Mansfield, Pennsylvania, graduating in the class of 1867; studied law at the Michigan University, Ann Arbor,* Michigan; admitted to the bar, March 18, 1869; located at Williamsport the same year.

W. W. Hart is a native of Lycoming county, having been born in Clinton township, August 23, 1843; was educated at Tuscarora Academy and Dickinson Seminary; studied law with Hon. John J. Metzger and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in April, 1869.

William E. Crawford was born, August 14, 1850, at Warrensville, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania; educated at the University at Lewisburg; read law with Hon. John J. Metzger and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county, August 23, 1873; has also been admitted to the Northumberland and Sullivan county bars; resides at Hughesville.

A. D. Hower was born in Milton, February 21, 1845, and was educated at the State Normal School, Millersville, Pennsylvania, class of 1871; studied law at Milton with W. C. Lawson, Esq., and was admitted to the bar at Sunbury, August 4, 1874; has been located at Muncy since November, 1874.

John Jay Reardon was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, December 12, 1852; was, educated in Maple Wood Institute, Delaware, county, Pennsylvania; he came to Williamsport in 1872, and read law with H. C. McCormick, being admitted to the bar in May, 1875.

Addison Candor was born in Lewistown, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in 1852 graduated at Princeton College in 1873; read law with Allen & Gamble, Williamsport, and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in 1875.

Cyrus LaRue Munson was born, July 2, 1854, at Bradford, New York; graduated at the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Connecticut; studied law at Yale College, and with Messrs. Allen & Gamble; was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county, August, 1875.

John T. Fredericks was born in Clinton county, Pennsylvania, and was educated at Princeton College; he studied law with Hon. H. H. Cummin and was admitted to the bar at Williamsport, in September, 1875.

James M. Youngman was born, September 2, 1852; was educated in the public schools at Williamsport and at Dickinson Seminary; studied law with his father, Hon. George W. Youngman, and was admitted to the Lycoming bar in June, 1876.

William D. Crocker was born at Buffalo, New York, September 19, 1851; he was educated at Yale College, graduating in the class of 1873; studied law in Buffalo from 1873 to 1875, and in Williamsport from 1875 to 1876; admitted to the bar at Williamsport, October term, 1876.

James B. Denworth was born at Easton, Northampton county, Pennsylvania; read law with Gen. C. H. T. Collis, Philadelphia; admitted to the bar at Williamsport, November term, 1876.

William P. I. Painter was born in Sunbury, Northumberland county, August 21, 1818; was educated in the public schools; studied law with H. W. Watson, Esq., Williamsport, and was admitted to the bar at December term, 1876; has practiced at Muncy since his admission; resides in Muncy.

H. G. Troxell was born in Williamsport in 1855, and educated in the public schools of this city; he studied law with C. Bartles, Jr., and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county, June 2, 1877.

James B. Krause was born in Aaronsburg, Centre county, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1854. The foundation of his education was laid in the common schools of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, but subsequently he studied at the Academy, Glen Rock, Pennsylvania, Union Seminary, Now Berlin, Pennsylvania, and in the Lycoming Normal School. He began the study of law in the office of Hon. O. H. Reighard, and on the 24th day of January, 1878, was admitted to the Lycoming county bar.

Jonathan F. Strieby was born in Loyalsock township, Lycoming county; was educated at the University at Lewisburg, and graduated in 1875; read law with Hon. John J. Metzger, and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county in May, 1878. Luther A. Faber was born in Centre county, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1851; educated at Turbutville, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania; studied law with Hon. H. H. Cummin, and was admitted to the bar May 10, 1878.

James S. Lewars was born at Montoursville, Lycoming county; was admitted to Pennsylvania College in 1871, and graduated in the class of ‘75. Shortly after graduation, he began the study of law in the office of Hon. H. C. Parsons, under whose instructions he was prepared for admission to the bar, and he was admitted at the May term, 1878.

John K. Hays was born, August 18, 1856, in this city; graduated at Lafayette College in the class of 1876; read law with Messrs. Allen & Gamble, and was admitted to the bar of Lycoming county,. May 10, 1879.

Silas M. Smith was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, January 4, 1845; was educated in the public schools and by private instruction; studied law at the Michigan University and was admitted to the bar in May, 1879.

The following list comprises the names of members of the bar admitted since 1880; the date given is that of admission: Frank H. McCormick, 1880; William H. Howard, 1880; Thomas F. Gahan, 1880; R. K. Reeder, 1880; James B. Coryell, 1881; S. T. McCormick, 1881; A. W. King, 1882; John G. Reading, Jr., 1882; Otho N. Miller, 1883; A. F. Martin, 1884; F. P. Cummings, 1884; Charles J. Reilly, 1884; Thomas H. Hammond, 1885; W. M. Stephens, 1885; Clarence E. Sprout, 1885 (Philadelphia); N. M. Edwards, 1886; Walter E. Ritter, 1886; Emerson Collins, 1887; Howard Taylor Janney, 1887; G. B. M. Metzger, 1887; W. , C. Gilmore, 1887; F. Dietmeier, 1888; Max L. Mitchell, 1889; H. W. Whitehead, 1889; W. R. Peoples, 1890; 0. G. Kaupp, 1890. The following were admitted in 1891-92: W. W. Champion, W. W. Achenbach, W. B. Holloway, H. R. Knight, W. E. Nickles, A. G. Miller, W. C. King, W. P. Bradley; 1892, William E. Ransom.


The following attorneys studied law and were admitted here, but now live elsewhere: William H. Armstrong, Clinton and Thomas W. Lloyd, H. B. and H. Wharton Amerling, Charles A. Bowers, James Armstrong, Willis R. Bierly, William I. Lippincott, John H. Mitchell, William H. Everett, Samuel C. Wingard, Charles D. Emery, Frank P. Guise, Robert R. Remington, Charles C. Stauffer, G. Lichtenthaler.

Warren E. Thomas, a native of Lycoming county, read law with W. H. Armstrong and was admitted in 1885, located in Portland, Oregon, and was elected to the legislature of that State in 1890. Mr. Wingard has been a United States judge in Oregon, Mr. Lippincott, a police magistrate at Helena, Montana, and Mr. Bierly is publishing a daily paper at Grand Forks, Dakota. Mr. Emery has long been a resident of Seattle, where he is prominent at the bar.


This association was chartered January 25, 1870. The charter members were as follows: Robert Fleming, John W. Maynard, B. S. Bentley, W. H. Armstrong, Henry C. Parsons, Robert P. Allen, Benjamin S. Bentley, Jr., Charles K. Geddes, T. L. Case, H. H. Cummin, J. 0. Parker, H. C. McCormick, and S. T. McCormick. The officers for 1892 are: President, Henry C. Parsons; secretary, Addison Candor; treasurer, F. P. Cummings; executive committee: Henry C. Parsons, president ex-officio, Max L. Mitchell, Thomas H. Hammond, N. M. Edwards, Emerson Collins, and F. P. Cummings. The committee meets in the library room in the court house in January, April, July, and October of each year. Members pay a fee of $2.50 annually, which is used to defray expenses and replenish the library. The library is well supplied with legal works and is regarded as the best of its kind in this part of the State.