The LLA Bench Bar Committee met at noon at the LLA Conference Center. In attendance Brian Bluth, E.J. Rymsza, Judge Marc Lovecchio, Skip Greevy, John Person, Brad Hillman, Judge Richard Gray, Cliff Rieders, Tom Waffenschmidt, Joe Rider, Jeff Yates, Jeff Rowe, Kevin Way.
In the absence of Chairman Mitchell, Skip Greevy conducted the meeting.
Reports and discussions were as follows:
Judge Marc Lovecchio:
Reported that the County Reporting Center, to be located in the Executive Plaza building should be opened in mid September. Outside organization, GO Center was in last week and did the training. Crossroads will provide services as will Mental Health.
The process and procedure for the day reporting center is being discussed, headed by Judge Butts, and the DA's office needs to be involved and supportive.
Discussion of the process as to effect on sentencing order for eligibility for the Day Center. The DA may argue that there would be no jurisdiction. Secondly, there could be a probationary sentence, and coordination would need to be done through and with Drug Court.
Judge felt that this would allow some flexibility in sentencing, may also help with prison overcrowding. Judge Butts will advise the other judges as to the format and availability and will discuss it with the rest of the Bar sometime after September.
Luann is retiring from the Adult Probation office in November, and there is to be advertising for the new supervisor.
Judge also discussed briefly the mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines in Pennsylvania and that there is currently an argument pending before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, out of Cumberland County. Our local judges held that they felt it was unconstitutional, which appears to be the first direct opinions in this state. There are a number of amicus curiae entities in the Supreme Court argument.
Judge Richard Gray:
Noted that the 2015 court schedules should be published in September, that he and Judge Anderson will be alternating again in regards to civil cases.
Motions Court is going well, being tweaked in some aspects, and is taking about two weeks to set up. Initial comments have been pretty favorable, a number of the more recent ones have been bail motions which tend to be fairly long. Format to schedule quicker is being looked into and pursued. They may be adding some new additional routine items to the Motion Court availability.
Kevin Way. Court Administrator:
Noted that Magistrate's Kemp's Office will be moving to 2134 Route 405, Trout Pond Park location in Hughesville. This will take place as of October 6th, with the office being closed between September 29th to October 3rd., and Whiteman will be covering the cases for Magistrate Kemp.
Also noted that Judge McCoy was "assigned", basically drafted to assist in Tioga County particularly in the Children and Youth matters, probably up to the end of the year. Judge Knight is also assisting. Tioga County has named and designated a new judge who is the former District Attorney.
AOPC are developing and making available pro se and family court forms which will be placed on their website in the near future.
Joe Rider:
Noted that inheritance tax analysis are taking about six months, and that extensions are limited to only one for a six month period and are used particularly for pending real estate sales.
Also noted that the Common Level Ratio for Lycoming County is currently 1.33.
Brad Hillman:
Inquired as to the daily court schedule being part on LLA website; check with Gary Weber. One possible option could be handled through specific request by specific listed attorneys.
Tom Waffenschmidt:
Noted that the LLA picnic will be held on September 3, 2014, again on the Hiawatha River Boat. WestLaw is indicating that they will "sponsor" in the amount of $l,OOO, and the caterer is pending.
Cliff Rieders:
Commented very favorably on trials being scheduled in advance from the time of filing which is an excellent provision in Lycoming County, which is not present in most other counties.
Judge Lovecchio:
Noted that there are six pending murder cases, scheduled to be held between September to the Spring of 2015, none of them being death penalty cases.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles F. Greevy, III, Acting Facilitator