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Monday, OCTOBER 16, 2000

PRESENT: Ed Mitchell; Mike Dinges from D.A.'s office; Tom Raup; Tony Grieco; Bill Knecht; Carl Barlett; Kristine Waltz; Cliff Rieders, Chair; Joe Campagna, Legal Services; Gary Weber; Judge Greevy; Judge Anderson; Judge Kieser; President Judge Smith; Court Administrator Kevin Way.

1.  Civil, Defense - Ed Mitchell. No problems, no report.

2.  D.A.'s Office, Mike Dinges. New case monitoring system working okay.

Rule 1100, working satisfactorily.

Judge Smith reported that custody cases are used for back-up.

Judge Raup indicated he was a facilitator for York County judges. Wanted to know how the one jury, one case system is working in Lycoming County. Judge Smith said it is working very well. It is cost effective. Kevin Way mentioned that it is generally a success. The only problem is that when cases are disposed of, there are not always things for the judge to do.

3.  Family/Custody - Tony Grieco in the absence of Jan Yaw or Joy McCoy. He has nothing to report from Jan Yaw or Joy McCoy.

Judge Smith will be taking over Family Law in January.

Suggests the family law section to help with civility.

Carl Barlett, Bar President, suggests that it is a good idea.

New rules for adoption will be coming out. If adopted (no pun intended), will mean a lot of changes.

It was decided to start a family law section.

4.  Orphans' Court - Bill Knecht. No report.

5.  Bar President - Carl Barlett.

5.1  Web page up and running, thanks to Gary Weber.

5.2  Revised Bylaws ready to go.

5.3  Gary Weber pointed out that the site is starting to post court decisions. There are over 300 posted. Judge Smith suggests using initials for domestic. A large discussion ensues over privacy issues. Tom Raup is concerned about privacy implications. Judge Anderson says he does an order without an opinion first, and only then does an opinion when an appeal is taken. Most judges, but not all, do this in our county.

5.4  Carl will appoint a committee consisting of Rieders, Anderson and Raup, and perhaps others, to look into this matter.

5.5  Not all things have to be posted, it is pointed out. Judge may withhold some opinions for now which are not appropriate, and they certainly would still be of public record in the Prothonotary's Office.

5.6  Judge Kieser mentioned that Gary Weber is looking for a search engine. Bob Cooley, who works for the county, is working on this. Question put to us is whether the Bar Association would put some money into this project. Carl Barlett says probably yes, depending on the cost.

6.  Legal Services - Joe Campagna. When does final abuse order run from? New case law discusses 18 months from the final hearing. This seems relatively clear.

7.  Rules Committee - Gary Weber. Notice to Defend issue dealt with.  Criminal rules changes are coming soon. Will look at Orphans' Court rule changes, although these have been looked at in recent years.

8.  Judge Greevy. States that it is a pleasure being here.  It is a pleasure for all of us to have Judge Greevy present.

9.  Judge Anderson. Nothing further.

10.  Judge Kieser. All his cases settled. He feels this is because the lawyers have been open about their positions, and thanks everybody for this.

11.  President Judge Smith.

11.1  Suggested we should all thank Gary for the wonderful job he has done with the rules committee and the website.

11.2  All DUI's, as of September 30th, if there is a conviction, will require putting interlock device on car. This would go on the ignition. A person must blow into it to start, and apparently must blow into it periodically to keep the car going. The cost will be $75.00 to install, and $75.00 per month thereafter, and could run into another $1,000.00 in toto.

12.  Kevin Way, Court Administrator. District Justice Page is on the first floor where the treasurer is, and is out of the basement.

Concerned about Supreme Court rule, one judge for family law. Legislation may not pass, but the Supreme Court has indicated that it would put into effect such a rule. Would change filing rules, need for a case manager, and would cause other complications.

13.  Carl Barlett mentioned looking for a speaker for the banquet in January.

14.  PBA Interdisciplinary matter. Carl Barlett said that this matter has withered on the vine, and is really moot from our perspective.

OUR NEXT MEETING IS January 8, 2001.